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Zoning Minutes 4-1-08

Holland Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes
Date:           April 1, 2008Present:   Sarto Caron, Chairperson                Don Beal. Scribe                Ray Korny, Member               Ron Seaburg, Secretary7:00 PM   The meeting was called to order by Sarto Caron.
The reading of the minutes of March 18, 2008 was postponed until our next meeting. Sarto told the Board that an All Boards meeting was scheduled for April 3, 2008, and he would attend. Any other ZBA member may attend this meeting. Sarto read a letter from William Pucci. A discussion of the Pucci proposal ensued prior to his scheduled appointment.
7:30 PM Special Permit Request/Variance Request Continuation            Mr. William Pucci               R-07-A-02       Book 12161      Page 77
Mr. Pucci presented new ideas for his proposal. He will try to have revised plans for the Board by April 15. A continuance was scheduled for 4-15-08 at 7:30 PM.The Board will ask the Building Inspector to define what is the front and rear of houses referenced by lakeside or street side for homes and lots that surround Lake Hamilton. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.            
CC:             Building Inspector, Executive Secretary, Town Clerk, HCC, and ZBA Files.                Submitted by:           Ronald Seaburg, Secretary